Capture your customers’ attention
thanks to variable data printing
In an increasingly competitive world, differentiation has become essential. Impression Directe allows you to customize your documents in order to catch their recipients’ interest and to add impact to your messages. Through variable data management, your communication media match your prospects and customers for a unique reading experience.
A customization available for many kinds of media
The principle of variable data is very simple: you provide us with a database containing the information needed to personalize your printouts. No need for complex tools, a simple Excel sheet can be suitable.
Together we define the matrix used as the basis for your documents: letters, mailings, packaging, flyers, gift certificates, invitation cards, show tickets, etc.
Both the form and the content can be adapted to match the recipient. You can change all or part of the text, but also vary the colors, pictures or style. We then use our variable design software and our digital printing system to produce your personalized documents.
When needed, we can also take care of direct mail: postal standardization, addressing, enveloping, postage and post office deposit.
Direct marketing and functional communication
Variable data printing is the tool of choice for direct marketing: talking directly to your targets, you have more chance to interest, convert and retain them.Let’s think about it…
You want to invite your customers and prospects to an Open House day but need to ensure their presence. Your invitation cards will include identical information (date, place, time) while indicating the exact name of each recipient.
You can also modulate your promotional offers according to your customers’ number of loyalty points or shopping habits.
But the customization of documents is also valuable to pass on practical information.
One example is the distribution of the ISR (Individual Social Report) within your company. This document is sent every year to each employee and provide them with a summary of their situation: remuneration, health cover, luncheon vouchers, company car, etc.
You organize a sports event? With variable data printing, include the sponsor logo on bibs while incrementing numbers.
Get a better targeting for your marketing campaigns with digital printing, contact us!