Automated workflows to gain responsiveness
CLike any performance-oriented company, you’re looking for partners who can adapt and quickly fulfill all your requests. For several years, Impression Directe has developed an automated workflow system in order to complete a high number of orders in a minimum period of time.
Our expertise…
We have combined our expertise and experience about digital printing with powerful and performing computing tools to automate part of our production. We have forged strong partnerships with major
actors in online printing market.
These automated workflows are based on the use of metadata transmitted as pdf and xml files. They simplify the production line and help to track operations. The files are sent directly to the presses, and the customers are informed in real time of their order progress. They receive a notification at each stage, of production and at the time of delivery.
The automation allows us to reduce processing times, lost time and potential errors. In this way, we print predefined, tailor-made documents and we make sure we comply with your specifications.
…to bring you solutions
It is a well-known fact, “all customers’ requests are urgent” and your never get the slightest break!
With the introduction of automated flows, we are ready to tackle your printing challenges. In order to bring you the appropriate solutions to your problems, we have optimized our organization, improved our productivity and maximized our production capacity.
Our machinery, consisting of HP Indigo presses connected to a number of integrated finishing tools, runs 24 hours a day.
We are able to meet the tightest deadlines while handling a large volume of orders (several thousand per day) to deliver superior quality finished products.
You’re looking for a digital printer that is as responsive as your customers are demanding? Contact us: we do the outmost to satisfy you!